Pete ate yesterday's unordered lunch today. Pete was joined by some stranded English school boys--Ralph, Piggy, Jack, Simon, etc.--for some Pig's Blood Rice Noodle soup. Lame, obtuse references aside, pig's blood is rectangular-shaped, gelatinous, congealed pig's blood (oddly enough). It's fucking nasty--and bland, too. Tastes like liverwurst without the taste of liverwurst if that makes any fucking sense at all. Pete has nothing else to say about it. Pete wiped the taste out of his mouth with some PBRs at the Spring Lounge. Pete is about to encounter a serious case of the Latin term drinkus interruptus--which loosely translated means "the slow comedown from three beers followed by three hours of no beers."
The next time Pete goes out for PBR's may I join him in his culinary adventures?
ReplyDeleteMinus the pig's blood of course.
Pete thinks next week would work nicely.
ReplyDeleteTastes like liverwurst without the taste of liverwurst is a tough concept to grasp. Gelatinous, congealed pig's blood sounds disgusting either way, though.
ReplyDeletePete thinks that much of the taste of food is texture; Pete knows folks that don't eat things that Pete thinks they would like because they don't like the texture. So it's like liverwurst--texture-wise--but it doesn't taste like liverwurst. It's sort of how one day in the sun reminds of another--non-specific--day in the sun. Not to get all metaphysical but... (See today's post for further illumination on metaphysics.)
ReplyDeleteI used to say that about mushrooms. I realize now how much I was missing out.
ReplyDeleteFun post today... I think Metaphysics is mental masturbation is a great title(how did it go over with the professor?), and in fact would make a great paper about masturbation.