Coke/Pepsi; Red Sox/Yankees; paper/plastic; to be/not to be; John/Paul; Jesus/Mohammed; tea/coffee; Easter Bunny/Santa Claus: many great rivalries exist, but few match the intensity of the O'Connor's-Freddy's softball games. Pete prepared for the first game of the season with a home-cooked meal of greenmarket goodness. Fried flounder on thick slices of toasted bread with sweet, BBQ-flavored fancy ketchup and hockey-puck-thick pickles; a lentil salad with parsley, squeezed lemon, and grapefruit zest; a pea shoot and sunflower salad with thin slices of carrots; iced tea with lemon wedges; and homemade peach ice cream. Considering Pete has been known to drink Bud and Jameson before games, Pete was prepared for his best game yet--and for eight innings... However, in the ninth, Pete Bucknered a ball--that nine times out of ten he would have handled easily--which would've ended the game and given O'C's a 10-9 victory (Freddy's ended up winning 11-10). You can read a fuller account here; Pete will post a photo link as soon as it is up as well. Pete doesn't know if the blame falls with being in the blazing sun all afternoon, getting lulled to distraction while playing behind the oldest-looking, slowest-pitching, least funny 54-year-old cab-driving pitcher of all-time, dancing to 60s/70s R&B/Soul 45s and a live performance by this guy till four in the morning the night before, or not--gasp--drinking; Pete does know that everyone had a blast and O'C's will get them next time. As a consolation prize: Pete was awarded the best-dressed award by his third-base counterpart's girlfriend.
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