Everything ye olde is ye new again--flu epidemics, economic recessions, boat shoes, pagers, Sony Walkmans, being the first in the line, etc. So after touring the world's first subway tunnel, Pete headed to the ye olde-school, nose-to-tail meat-butchering restaurant Prime Meats in Carroll Gardens for a smorgasbord of meat, cheese, and more meat and cheese. The interior is a beautiful re-creation of a pre-prohibition era speakeasy and the 1920s vibe is further accentuated by the slightly contrived, slightly Steampunk stylings of the waitstaff--it's not too hard to imagine the waiter pulling his iPhone out of his flannel pants held up by suspenders and then tweeting about his new newsboy cap while taking a break in the kitchen. (He did break from character at least once-- the usual "Pardon me, sir, mayest I fill your water glass perchance." was replaced by a snide aside to Pete, who was not enjoying any of their fancy cocktails, only water, about his "... understanding the importance of hydration.") Pete and company started out with the homemade pretzels dipped in a spicy Bavarian mustard and the three-cheese plate--one cheese made from raw goat's milk; one from raw cow's milk; and one from sheep's milk, so as not to discriminate against any our deliciously edible farm friends--that's served with bread, nuts soaked in honey, and strawberry jam. We showed our meatalitarian (like egalitarianism, but with meat) side as well. Aside from the herb spatzle with gruyere cheese, Pete and company chomped on weisswurst (a German sausage made from veal and pork bacon), pork belly, Thuringian bratwurst, calf tongue, knackwurst, and a beef brisket in red wine, vinegar, and juniper berries--and just to get a little vegetable in the mix, there was also sauerkraut, braised cabbage, and potatoes served. Pete's only complaint is that shortly after finishing eating, Pete and Stretch both wondered: "What are we going to have for lunch?" (The portions are pretty small.) Luckily, there was a typical shitty Brooklyn street fair in progress, so it was easy to fill up on funnel cakes, mozzarrepas, and corn on a stick (Aww Shucks), as well as purchase a Sham Wow!, which the barker declared, "Makes sponges and paper towels obsolete."
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