Whenever Pete hears the word "liege" he can't help but think about the three-week span when he made up for semester-long slackness by watching 25 BBC productions of Shakespeare in the college library. Shakespeare was a big fan of the word; it means "a feudal servant." Liege is also the town in Belgium where the liege wafel was born; and since Pete missed Shakespeare's birthday this year and since the Wafels & Dinges truck was parked around the corner on Hudson and Houston, he decided to pop over to celebrate Will's awesomeness with a liege for lunch. The liege is supposed to be softer and chewier than normal waffles but it was actually the opposite (hard and crispy)--and after paying $6 for a waffle with bananas and strawberries, Pete expects (nay, demands) more. The news, my lieges, is that the liege is not worth it. The walk up to Cafe Grumpy on 20th and 8th afterwards was though: Pete's iced Guatemalan was "...rich but approachable...with hints of chocolate...invoking the playfulness of a balloon." Pete made up one of those descriptions. Free coffee to the first person to guess which one.
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